Alien hunter finds lion's den on Mars (Video)
An astounding video, uploaded to YouTube on Oct. 19, seems to show a "lion's den" on Mars , complete with cubs, watched over by wary adults looking straight into the camera of the NASA Curiosity rover. It's either the real thing, or the strangest case of pareidolia ever discovered. Either way, the amazing video gives even the hardest skeptic pause, despite the overwhelming evidence that any form of life on Mars is impossible. A video claims to show evidence of a lion's den on Mars Natures Lullaby @YouTube The author of the video, a woman using the name Nature's Lullaby, begins with a mini tutorial for navigating the raw feed website NASA manages, posting thousands of images taken by the rover for more than a year. The photos are then minutely scrutinized by a cadre of UFO and alien hunters looking to find the first, indisputable evidence of life off the Earth. As the author scrolls down the page, she chooses one recent day of images and opens up t...