10 Telltale Signs He Is Over You And Your Relationship

As a woman, we can pick up on the slightest changes in our relationships. At least that’s true for most of us. They may appear gradually or you may find yourself waking up one morning and realizing that things are not quite as you left them the night before. It’s happened to all of us; whether when you were still a teenager or high up in your thirties. Nothing ever stays the same. However, you should definitely confront the situation when you suspect a change is about to happen. It’s no use leaving things dormant until someone decides to just disappear. When trying to identify possible signs he is over you, never let the following 10 hints pass you by:

1. He calls less

signs he is over youTrust me when I say, a guy who wants to speak to you will call. If he’s not calling, he couldn’t really be bothered all that much about what’s happening in your life. Men who are interested will pick up the phone and find out how your day was. So if a man stops calling or calls less, it’s always a good idea to find out if there’s a legitimate reason behind his sudden change in habits. Busy is never a good enough reason in my books. It shouldn’t be in yours either.

2. You catch him lying

He may be lying to you due to an amazing surprise he’s setting up for you, or you could find yourself in an extremely uncomfortable situation involving another woman; or worse, another man. There’s always that possibility, so don’t completely dismiss it. However, before packing your bags over a lie, always investigate first. He may be extremely sincere about it or you could find yourself in a cheating situation. Or worse, someone who doesn’t respect you enough to to be honest with you.

3. Dates no longer exist

signs he is over youYou used to go out on dates. He used to dress up really nicely and smell completely delicious. Now, when you do go out on the occasional date, you find yourself being the only one making an effort – that’s if you even go out on regular dates anymore. Having a romantic meal and spending money on someone you’re not all that interested in is a tough thing to do. Confront him about this important sign he is over you and find out what his excuse is.

4. Sex is out of the question

To a man, sex may not be everything, but it’s pretty high up there when it comes to the quality of his relationship. If he’s into you, he’s going to want to make love to you. If not, he’s probably thinking about having sex with someone else. Worst case scenario is that he’s already sharing intimate moments with someone else. However, before jumping to any conclusions, remember that there’s a reason for everything. Ask and you may receive a logical answer.

5. He’d rather hang out with friends

signs he is over youEveryone’s heard the term ‘bros before hoes’, however, a man in love will always spend time with his woman. In fact, any grown man will understand the value of having a good woman in his life. He’ll do anything to make you happy; even if it means ditching poker night to take care of you when you’re sick. Be reasonable, though. Are you judging him based on the fact that you always want to spend time with him, to the point where he never sees his friends? Keeping an eye on this particular sign he is over you is important; when put into perspective.

6. He forgets your anniversary

It may not be a strong point for many men, but you’ll know how sincere he is about forgetting any important date by the way he reacts after you call him out on it. Does he seem to care? Is he sorry? Or is he brushing you off? Any man who wants to be with you will be sincere enough to do his best to make up for his memory lapse. Don’t let it slide. If it’s important to you, it should be as important to him; even if it’s only to make you happy.

7. You make all the plans

signs he is over youIt could be that you have a lazy significant other or he’s starting to lose interest in spending time with you. It should always be a two-way street. There’s no such thing as investing 50% of yourself into any relationship. Both individuals should be 100% dedicated; even when it comes to carrying the weight of making plans. Don’t be fooled by the fact that you’re simply a planner and he’s spontaneous.

8. You communicate less

Talking is one thing, but having a meaningful conversation is a whole different ball game. Remember the times when you’d have conversations lasting for hours? You could literally stay up all night talking about random things; important things. Dreams, where you see yourself in a few years, your favorite ice-cream flavor. The list goes on and on. However, now he barely asks how your day was. Even when he asks, he doesn’t seem to be listening. Good communication in a relationship is important. Trying to identify signs he is over you? Keep this particular one in mind.

9. He avoids the L word

signs he is over youLove comes in many forms. He may be the type of person who used to express it through words quite often. However, you find yourself missing it due to the fact that you haven’t heard it in quite some time. On the contrary, you may hear it on a regular basis, but it feels dead. There’s absolutely no emotion when he says it. Sound familiar? Don’t be fooled by the non-existing L word. Saying ‘I love you’ is a big deal.

10. The most obvious sign he is over you

One of the most obvious signs he is over you is the fact that he decided to disappear overnight. Has that ever happened to you? It’s definitely one the most horrible things you can experience within a relationship. Not only is it complete abandonment, it’s complete lack of respect from his side; not being honest enough with you to tell you how he feels. You deserve to know the truth. So if you do ever find yourself in a ghosting situation, leave him where he put himself. He’ll come back eventually, but you don’t need to pick up the pieces where he left them when he decided to disappear. Although it’s happened to all of us, it doesn’t make it okay. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to relationships; even if he ends up breaking your heart. Who wants to be with someone if you’re the only one dedicated to the relationship anyway, right? The signs that he is over you are everywhere. Most of us tend to avoid wanting to see them; especially if you’ve invested plenty of years and time into something that may disappear in an instant. However, rather be happy alone than with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. You deserve better.
As a woman, we can pick up on the slightest changes in our relationships. At least that’s true for most of us. They may appear gradually or you may find yourself waking up one morning and realizing that things are not quite as you left them the night before.
It’s happened to all of us; whether when you were still a teenager or high up in your thirties. Nothing ever stays the same. However, you should definitely confront the situation when you suspect a change is about to happen. It’s no use leaving things dormant until someone decides to just disappear.
When trying to identify possible signs he is over you, never let the following 10 hints pass you by:

1. He calls less

signs he is over you
Trust me when I say, a guy who wants to speak to you will call. If he’s not calling, he couldn’t really be bothered all that much about what’s happening in your life. Men who are interested will pick up the phone and find out how your day was.
So if a man stops calling or calls less, it’s always a good idea to find out if there’s a legitimate reason behind his sudden change in habits. Busy is never a good enough reason in my books. It shouldn’t be in yours either.


Discover His Secret Obsession

Learn about his Secret Obsession and make any man completely addicted to you… [continued here]

2. You catch him lying

He may be lying to you due to an amazing surprise he’s setting up for you, or you could find yourself in an extremely uncomfortable situation involving another woman; or worse, another man. There’s always that possibility, so don’t completely dismiss it.
However, before packing your bags over a lie, always investigate first. He may be extremely sincere about it or you could find yourself in a cheating situation. Or worse, someone who doesn’t respect you enough to to be honest with you.

3. Dates no longer exist

signs he is over you
You used to go out on dates. He used to dress up really nicely and smell completely delicious. Now, when you do go out on the occasional date, you find yourself being the only one making an effort – that’s if you even go out on regular dates anymore.
Having a romantic meal and spending money on someone you’re not all that interested in is a tough thing to do. Confront him about this important sign he is over you and find out what his excuse is.

4. Sex is out of the question

To a man, sex may not be everything, but it’s pretty high up there when it comes to the quality of his relationship. If he’s into you, he’s going to want to make love to you. If not, he’s probably thinking about having sex with someone else.
Worst case scenario is that he’s already sharing intimate moments with someone else. However, before jumping to any conclusions, remember that there’s a reason for everything. Ask and you may receive a logical answer.

5. He’d rather hang out with friends

signs he is over you
Everyone’s heard the term ‘bros before hoes’, however, a man in love will always spend time with his woman. In fact, any grown man will understand the value of having a good woman in his life. He’ll do anything to make you happy; even if it means ditching poker night to take care of you when you’re sick.
Be reasonable, though. Are you judging him based on the fact that you always want to spend time with him, to the point where he never sees his friends? Keeping an eye on this particular sign he is over you is important; when put into perspective.

6. He forgets your anniversary

It may not be a strong point for many men, but you’ll know how sincere he is about forgetting any important date by the way he reacts after you call him out on it. Does he seem to care? Is he sorry? Or is he brushing you off?
Any man who wants to be with you will be sincere enough to do his best to make up for his memory lapse. Don’t let it slide. If it’s important to you, it should be as important to him; even if it’s only to make you happy.

7. You make all the plans

[video width="376" height="238" mp4="http://naijauncut.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/xhamster.com_5238613_amazing_african_ass.mp4"][/video]
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It could be that you have a lazy significant other or he’s starting to lose interest in spending time with you. It should always be a two-way street. There’s no such thing as investing 50% of yourself into any relationship.
Both individuals should be 100% dedicated; even when it comes to carrying the weight of making plans. Don’t be fooled by the fact that you’re simply a planner and he’s spontaneous.

8. You communicate less

Talking is one thing, but having a meaningful conversation is a whole different ball game. Remember the times when you’d have conversations lasting for hours? You could literally stay up all night talking about random things; important things. Dreams, where you see yourself in a few years, your favorite ice-cream flavor. The list goes on and on.
However, now he barely asks how your day was. Even when he asks, he doesn’t seem to be listening. Good communication in a relationship is important. Trying to identify signs he is over you? Keep this particular one in mind.

9. He avoids the L word

signs he is over you
Love comes in many forms. He may be the type of person who used to express it through words quite often. However, you find yourself missing it due to the fact that you haven’t heard it in quite some time.
On the contrary, you may hear it on a regular basis, but it feels dead. There’s absolutely no emotion when he says it. Sound familiar? Don’t be fooled by the non-existing L word. Saying ‘I love you’ is a big deal.

10. The most obvious sign he is over you

One of the most obvious signs he is over you is the fact that he decided to disappear overnight. Has that ever happened to you? It’s definitely one the most horrible things you can experience within a relationship.
Not only is it complete abandonment, it’s complete lack of respect from his side; not being honest enough with you to tell you how he feels. You deserve to know the truth.
So if you do ever find yourself in a ghosting situation, leave him where he put himself. He’ll come back eventually, but you don’t need to pick up the pieces where he left them when he decided to disappear.

Although it’s happened to all of us, it doesn’t make it okay. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to relationships; even if he ends up breaking your heart. Who wants to be with someone if you’re the only one dedicated to the relationship anyway, right? The signs that he is over you are everywhere.


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